Thursday, November 22, 2012

November Series: Layout Rewind, Day 22: Travel, Part 1

Coming to the end of the month and I still have a lot of layouts to share.  I'm going to split today's layouts into two parts and will do the same for tomorrow. 

Layout Created December 2010

Layouts Created March 2011



  1. I really like the layout that has vellum.. what a great use for it, I may have to scrap lift that :)

    1. Feel free - just be sure to share when you're finished. I like to see it.

  2. Seriously sooo fun! The top layout is uber fabulous. =)

  3. I think it is neat that you scrap things other than pictures...never thought of that before!

    1. Hi Diane - I'm not much of a pack rat in any other way, but as for ticket stubs and other memory related stuff, I keep it all. Putting it in the scrapbook gives me a way to display it and put it away! These layouts were made before I started project life so a lot of my stuff goes in there now, but I like having it all in one place.
